Editor Kyle ShawNewsletter Editor Julie Lawrence
Arts & Food Reporter Martin Bauman
City Hall Reporter Matt Stickland
Education Reporter Lauren Phillips
The individual departments within Editorial/Newsroom are listed below:
Letters To The Editor
Selections from online comments may be printed in the newsletter.
Submitting tips
If you have a small business tip, email to shoptalk@thecoast.ca
Submitting a general news release
If you have a News tip, email to news@thecoast.ca
Freelance submissions The Coast is not currently in the market for freelance work.
Email: arts@thecoast.ca
Email: news@thecoast.ca
Lifestyle/Small business/Food/Drinks/Restaurants
Email: martin@thecoast.ca
The Coast is currently overhauling its unpaid internship program in hopes of establishing a paid internship program. But currently no interns are being accepted.ADVERTISING
Marketing and Events: Marty SillsEmail: marty@thecoast.ca
Click here for more marketing queries.
Email: webeditor@thecoast.caCOMMUNICATIONS
For public/media relations inquiries about The Coast, please contact Acting Publisher Kyle Shaw via email at kyle@thecoast.caPUBLISHER'S OFFICE
For publishing and corporate affairs please contact:Acting Publisher: Kyle Shaw
Email: kyle@thecoast.ca