Whether you're bitching out the person who ruined your day or sending out props & good vibes to the deserving the rules always remain the same: Submissions are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, anonymity and our lenient standards of propriety.
1) DO NOT use names or IDs (personal or business)—either in reference to yourself or to who you're writing about.2) Violent personal threats or breaking Canadian Hate Laws will not be tolerated, in submissions or the comments. Offenders will be promptly banned.
3) Respond to other Bitches/Loves in the comments section. Do not respond here. Likewise, restaurant reviews and opinions on Coast articles belong in the reader review section or on the articles themselves.
4) Do us a favour and write like a fully functioning human being, that means not LIKE THIS IN ALL CAPS ALL THE TIME or worse, LiKe ThiS wiTH RAndoM CapitAlization. Depending on the annoyance level, your submission may not see the light of day if you do.
5) To report an abusive comment use the REPORT THIS COMMENT link underneath the comment in question. This will flag it and report it to our editors.
FINALLY, if you have a message regarding the website, problems in posting, concerns about a commenter, or suggestions on how to make the place better please email webeditor@thecoast.ca. Submitting your comment as a Bitch/Love is not the fastest way to contact us.
All that being said, we love your bitches and loves so submit already!