Halifax Poll - Survey Results | THE COAST | Nova Scotia

In 1996, the province forced independent Dartmouth, Halifax, Bedford and Halifax County into one big Halifax Regional Municipality. Was amalgamation a good idea?

No. A city the size of PEI is just too large for one central government to handle.
101 votes (43.53%)
Doubtful. I was never in pre-amalgamation Halifax, but the HRM's a mess now.
26 votes (11.21%)
Probably. I was never in pre-amalgamation Halifax, but the current city is fine.
21 votes (9.05%)
Yes. It got people over small-town thinking, and spread services more equally.
84 votes (36.21%)
In 1996, the province forced independent Dartmouth, Halifax, Bedford and Halifax County into one big Halifax Regional Municipality. Was amalgamation a good idea?
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