Halifax Poll - Survey Results | THE COAST | Nova Scotia

What's your closest encounter with ticks and Lyme disease this year?

None, thankfully
110 votes (49.77%)
Found a tick on a pet
26 votes (11.76%)
Found a tick on myself or someone else
58 votes (26.24%)
Consulted Nova Scotia Health's new Tick Service website
1 vote (0.45%)
Chatted with the NS Health Tick Talk Bot
No votes.
Talked with someone at the NSH Tick Hotline (1-866-266-7199)
No votes.
Had a doctor visit
3 votes (1.36%)
Went on the doxycycline antibiotic to be safe if I had Lyme
14 votes (6.33%)
Definitely got Lyme disease
9 votes (4.07%)
What's your closest encounter with ticks and Lyme disease this year?
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